Diablazing The Globe
Join us on a journey of empowerment
How it All Started
Most meaningful journeys rarely start on a happy note. It’s not often that joy propels us out of our comfort zones into a journey where we push our limits, test our resilience, and dig deep into who we are. For us, stepping onto this path was anything but joyful. In fact, it was downright traumatic. Any parent who’s watched their child become a weak, lethargic shell of themself would understand. For me, my son’s type 1 diabetes diagnosis was exactly that: traumatic. But that’s not the story I’m here to tell.
I’m here to share what came afterward—the good stuff. During diagnosis, we’re overwhelmed with information about carb counting, injections, finger pricks, and each daunting hurdle ahead. In those moments, it’s easy to lose sight of the good. I know I did. My hope and joy for the future faded as I listened to doctors, stayed up through countless nights managing highs and lows, and struggled to be my son’s mom, not just his nurse.
But with time, the good stuff returned. I want to share the moments when we truly flourished—when challenges turned into golden memories that we’ll cherish forever. These are the times when my son and I stepped beyond the boundaries of diabetes and began to "diablaze."
This blog is here to inspire others to break down the barriers of type 1 diabetes and to encourage you to live life beyond the needles and numbers. Some posts will be from my perspective as a single mom and caregiver, some from my son’s perspective as a T1D kid, and others will be from both of us, sharing our world with you.